It is getting very discouraging to run a BDSM website. I found complete siterips of my website online and other sites posting usernames and passwords to my website.
It costs money and time to make videos and take pictures.
If people keep stealing the content and giving it away for free, I will not be able to produce more content.
And then there will be nothing.
It takes thousands of dollars in equipment, it takes paying models and performers. It takes coming up with the ideas.
This website does not even break even anymore. there was a time when it broke even for me. It never did really “Make Money”. Those days are long gone. It is primarily because of the theft that seems so rampant anymore of other people’s intellectual property.
It comes down to if you want me to keep making and uploading new content, I need to cover at least the costs of hiring models. This costs approximately $100.00 per hour for the model fees alone. On top of that, I have to provide costumes and gear. A latex catsuit is approximately $350.00. A simple dress is about 125-150.
Add to the people stealing the content, is the people finding it funny to hack into the website and being destructive. I am a one person run website. I do all of the content, editing, writing the webpages. I do use wordpress now, to make it easier for writing the posts. THis enables me to give you more previews etc. If I have to go back to writing it in html or php, the outside will have a lot less “previews” of what is inside the Member’s Section.
As it is, there is a lot more inside, than the outside updates show.